Webinar: Dekarbonisierung und Ihre Geschäftsstrategie – Schritte und Praktiken

Tuesday, January 25th, 2022 @ 10:00 am ET

Nehmen Sie an unserer neuesten Webinar-Reihe teil, um Einblicke von Branchenexperten zu erhalten und an einer produktiven Diskussion teilzunehmen!

Diese Webinar-Reihe soll Energie- und Nachhaltigkeitsfachleuten dabei helfen, eine Strategie zur Reduzierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks in ihrem Unternehmen zu entwickeln. Wir stehen erst am Anfang des Weges zu Netto-Null-Emissionen, und es ergeben sich Herausforderungen, wie die Dekarbonisierung am effizientesten angegangen werden kann.

Gemeinsam mit unseren Gastrednern decken wir die Schlüsselbereiche einer erfolgreichen Dekarbonisierungsstrategie ab:

• Die Rolle der digitalen Transformation bei der Reduzierung des CO2-Fußabdrucks

• Emissionsmessung und -überwachung

• Festlegung von Zielen für die Dekarbonisierung

• Standards und Berichterstattung

• Messung des ökologischen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Nutzens


David Bennell
Hyphen Global AG
David Bennell
Chief Sustainability Officer

David is a partner and senior executive in Hyphen Global AG, a Swiss-based, private equity-funded company developing digital green finance tools for Web 3.0. He is also a limited partner and investor in CPG Capital, a green FinTech hedge fund investing in decentralized finance and cryptographic assets.

HYPHEN Global provides companies, investors and regulators better visibility into real-time, validated greenhouse gas emissions and ESG data.

George Richards
George Richards

JRP Solutions is a consultancy that specialises in providing services that deliver environmental, cost and operational benefits across the whole asset base in all types of organisations.

Ivan Borovoi
IndexBox Inc.
Ivan Borovoi
Market Analyst, Editor

Ivan Borovoi is a market analyst and editor at IndexBox Inc.

For over 10 years now, IndexBox has been conducting market research, completing consulting work, and selling reports.

Karina Grosheva
Karina Grosheva
Chief Technology Officer

Bringing technology and highly trained image annotation teams to build computer vision on aerial imagery and build maps.

Empowering Sustainable Development and Finance. Alternative Data to track progress of companies and industries to Energy efficient future.

Meg Ryan
Meg Ryan
Energy & Sustainability Manager

Energy & Sustainability Manager establishing energy savings and implementing company-wide sustainability programs for companies spanning across seven different industries.

JLL shapes the future of real estate for a better world by using the most advanced technology to create rewarding opportunities, amazing spaces and sustainable real estate solutions for our clients, our people and our communities.

Trevor Jones
Lynx Global Intelligence
Trevor Jones
Chief Executive Officer

Lynx Global Intelligence is a B2B SaaS provider engaged in providing “ground truth” analysis and helping clients consider the entire risk and ESG ecosystem​ in which they are operating.